• Experience:

    • Private lesson teacher for numerous school systems, non-profit arts organizations, youth orchestras, teaching services, and private studio.

    • Cello performance degrees from SMU’s Meadows School of the Arts and The Mannes School of Music. 

    • Advanced coursework in pedagogy, music theory, teaching artistry, Alexander Technique, and other music-teaching related fields.

    • Knowledge and performance experience of major solo, chamber, and orchestral repertoire as well as popular music genres.

  • Online Student Portal: An hour or less of instruction a week is very little time, so I provide materials to make sure that the time you spend playing during the week can be productive and expedite your learning. I make videos specific to you that you can watch over and over during the week explaining exercises and techniques as well as allowing you to listen to the music you are learning. In addition, I make many costly learning materials available to you at no charge through the portal, helping to keep lessons affordable.

  • Lessons are catered to your needs and wants, ensuring that you get the experience you are looking to have with the cello. Whether this be the style of music you are looking to learn or the pacing of the lessons, I want you to have an experience that is meaningful and fun, giving you a sense of accomplishment.

Why Me


Private lessons happen on a weekly basis every semester, with the option of taking lessons over summer and winter breaks as well. Regular lessons are a major key to success in learning the cello, so my students usually have a specific lesson time set up to meet with me every week except in cases of special circumstances. I am quite flexible about lesson times, and I always make sure that our lesson schedule works for you! Students have on average 14 lessons a semester.


  • In-Person: One of the biggest advantages of studying with me is that I am able to teach you in the comfort of your own home or apartment. For many people, one of the inhibiting factors to enrolling in cello lessons is the time out of their day and week that lessons require. I try to take make the best use of your time by traveling to you.

  • Online: Professional audio equipment allows me to teach you virtually with the same level of effectiveness as in person lessons. This is a great option for students who live outside the NYC area as well as those who prefer the convenience virtual lessons offer. Virtual lessons come with added benefit of a reduced lesson rate!


Lessons are an investment, but I truly strive to make this investment an affordable one and one that is worthwhile. Lessons are available in 30, 45, and 60 minute durations, primarily depending on age and skill level. Please contact me to find out what length of lesson I think would be best suited to you as well as a quote for your lesson rate. Some other costs to consider when signing up for lessons include rental of instrument and bow (insurance usually included), as well as necessities such as a music stand, spare strings, rosin, and a rock stop. Many rental companies include most of these items with their instruments. I am happy to guide you through the process of acquiring a high-quality rental instrument from a reputable instrument shop. I try to significantly reduce the cost of materials to you by making available most of the music resources that you will need through the student portal. These resources include sheet music, exercise books, music theory and music reading resources, demonstrative videos, performance recordings, and more.

Other Details

Here are just a few more things you should consider before signing up for lessons…

  • Much like singing up for a sports team or getting a new pet, lessons require time and energy. Consider if you are willing to dedicate at least a little time most days of the week to practicing the cello in addition to your weekly lesson. I ask that students make the commitment to invest themselves for a full semester after a free trial lesson.

  • While playing the cello is the greatest joy of my life and I am inspired to share it with you, learning the instrument can be frustrating at times. I am still frustrated with the instrument at times myself! Knowing that this is a natural part of learning any new skill, we will try to minimize frustration by developing good playing techniques and practice habits. Just be ready to push through any road bumps along the way!

  • There are no restrictions on who can learn this instrument. I teach anyone, including people of all ages, people with learning disabilities, and people of all backgrounds. If you have specific concerns about you or your child, I would love to communicate with you.

Ready to learn cello?